The legal system is inundated by so many retention laws, even upon the retiring or selling of a firm, that it is no surprise that many attorney’s elect to save everything forever to avoid any potential issues. Not only does this take up billable office space, this also causes a colossal waste of employee time searching for certain matters when necessary to recall them. This storage method also leaves a lot of liability sitting around the office, or in unguarded storage units outside of the office. Accordingly, this storage method produces a lot of liability and overhead cost as time goes on.

DocuLock, LLC® can eliminate all of the above, and help protect firms from costly fines. Our team can also act as a fire-brigade squad should any large litigation trials come up and present a time-consuming bates stamping and scanning project for the firm. The Missouri Courts (statewide) are now accepting efiling for cases and matters, which pairs well with DocuLock, LLC®. Investing in DocuLock, LLC® will ensure peace of mind that your documentation is backed-up and secure, and that your firm has access to your documentation anywhere and anytime (even in a courtroom).

For a document risk assessment for your firm, please reach out to us. We look forward to bringing you peace of mind.